Lease Owner Information
Lease Owner Information
Listing of Leases Held by Lessee/Owner (in Name Order by lessee) of all active leases
held by each lessee. The detailed report includes the lease, unit of measure, lease area,
aliquot and aliquot portion, percent ownership and lessee net portion. The summary report
lists the lease and percent ownership (only) held by each lessee. May specify output for
detailed or summary.
Description |
Request Number |
Listing of Leases Held by Lessee/Owner
(in Name Order by Lessee)
Detailed Report - includes acreage
Printout available through the Public Information Office
at $80.
Listing of Leases Held by Lessee/Owner
(in Name Order by Lessee)
Summary Report - does not include acreage
Printout available through the Public Information Office
at $80.
Lease List - Includes lease number, district
codes, appeals pending, lease type,
area and block, lease status, status date, order 4 determinations and
designated operator(s).
Printout available through the Public Information Office at $6.00 per each sort option.
Expired by Lease Number
Active by Lease Number
Expired by Area and Block
Active by Area and Block
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