Quick Data Online Query

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Quick Data Online Query
data last updated: 07-27-2024 08:00 AM(CST)

This Online Query provides small result sets for data keys entered in each particular subject. It is intended to show new users what may be available on the Data Center. For more detailed queries with the complete suite of Online Query functionality, please use the links to proceed to the full applications.

Query Options
Submit Query
Clear Query

Data Grids
Approvals Online Query
Business Process 
Approval Type 
Approval Date Descending
Regulation Number 
WCR Regulation 
Company Number 
Company Name 
Attr Label 1 
Attr Value 1 
Attr Label 2 
Attr Value 2 
Attr Label 3 
Attr Value 3 
Attr Label 4 
Attr Value 4 
Attr Label 5 
Attr Value 5 
No data to display
Company Detail Online Query
Company Number Ascending
Company Name 
Start Date 
No data to display
Lease Owner Online Query
Lease Number Ascending
MMS Company Number 
Company Name 
Status Code 
Owner Aliquot Code 
Sn Lse Owner 
Approved Date 
MMS Start Date 
Asgn Term Date 
Owner Group Code 
Assignment Pct 
Asgn Eff Date 
No data to display
Platform Structures Online Query
Area Code Ascending
Block Number 
Structure Name 
Structure Number 
Struc Type Code 
Authority Type 
Authority Number 
Authority Status 
Bus Asc Name 
Complex Id Num 
Maj Struc Flag 
Install Date 
Removal Date 
Site Clear Date 
District Code 
Heliport Flag 
Lease Number 
Water Depth 
Nad Year Cd 
Proj Code 
Ptfrm X Location 
Ptfrm Y Location 
Surf N S Dist 
Surf N S Code 
Surf E W Dist 
Surf E W Code 
Attended 8 Hr 
Manned 24 Hr 
No data to display
Scanned Company Files Query
Company Number 
Company Name 
Modified Date 
Approved/Accepted Date 
Bar Code 
Imported Date 
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display

Query Options
Submit Query
Clear Query

Data Grids
Assignments Online Query
Lease Number Ascending
Date Received 
Date Returned 
Date Approved 
Assignment Type 
Assignor Name 
Assignee Name 
Returned Remark 
No data to display
Decommissioning Cost Estimates Online Query
Lease Number Descending
ROW Number Descending
RUE Number Descending
Lease Status 
Area Code 
Block Number 
Water Depth(Meters) 
Date Last Updated 
Boreholes Count (Spud Wells) 
Boreholes Count (Prop Wells) 
Platforms (Installed) Decom Count 
Platforms (Installed) Site Clear Count 
Platforms (Prop) Decom Count 
Platforms (Prop) Site Clear Count 
Pipelines (Installed) Count 
Pipelines (Prop) Count 
No data to display
Lease Area Block Online Query
Lease Number Ascending
Area Code 
Block Number 
Lease Status Code 
Lease Effective Date 
Lease Expiration Date 
Block Max Water Depth (meters) 
No data to display
Lease Owner Online Query
Lease Number Ascending
MMS Company Number 
Company Name 
Status Code 
Owner Aliquot Code 
Sn Lse Owner 
Approved Date 
MMS Start Date 
Asgn Term Date 
Owner Group Code 
Assignment Pct 
Asgn Eff Date 
No data to display
Non-Required/Required Documents Online Query
Lease Number Ascending
Area Code 
Block Number 
Receipt Date 
Misc Type 
No data to display
Scanned Active-Inactive Leases Query
Lease Number 
Area Code 
Block Number 
Lease Effective Date 
Lease Expiration Date 
Assignment Approval Date 
Merger CoN Approval Date 
Imported Date 
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display
Scanned Adjudication Files Query
Lease Number(s) 
Doc Date 
Bar Code 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display
Scanned Collateral Files Query
Bond Number 
Lease Number 
RUE Number 
ROW Number 
Company Number 
Company Name 
Bond Eff Date 
Coverage Type Code 
Bond Amount 
Surety Company Number 
Surety Company Name 
Cancel Replace Code 
Cancel Replace Date 
Bond Form 
Doc Date 
Bar Code 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display
Scanned Expired Leases Query
Lease Number 
Area Block 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display
Scanned Renewable Lease Files Query
Lease Number 
Area Code 
Block Number 
Lease Effective Date 
Lease Expiration Date 
Assignment Approval Date 
Merger CoN Approval Date 
Imported Date 
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display
Scanned Unit Agreements Query
Unit Number 
Unit Name 
OCS Number(s) 
Reservoir Name 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display

Query Options
Submit Query
Clear Query

Data Grids
Decommissioning Cost Estimates Online Query
Lease Number Descending
ROW Number Descending
RUE Number Descending
Lease Status 
Area Code 
Block Number 
Water Depth(Meters) 
Date Last Updated 
Boreholes Count (Spud Wells) 
Boreholes Count (Prop Wells) 
Platforms (Installed) Decom Count 
Platforms (Installed) Site Clear Count 
Platforms (Prop) Decom Count 
Platforms (Prop) Site Clear Count 
Pipelines (Installed) Count 
Pipelines (Prop) Count 
No data to display
Pipeline Location Online Query
Segment Number Ascending
Point Sequence Number 
NAD Year Code 
Projection Code 
X Coordinate Location 
Y Coordinate Location 
Last Revised Date 
Version Date 
Asbuilt Flag 
PPL Apurt Type 
No data to display
Pipeline Permits Online Query
Segment Number Ascending
Originating Id Name 
Originating Area Code 
Originating Block Number 
Originating Lease Number 
Receiving Id Name 
Receiving Area Code 
Receiving Block Number 
Receiving Lease Number 
Approved Date 
Install Date 
Status Code 
Pipeline Size Code 
ROW Number 
Production Code 
Facility Operator 
Max Water Depth (feet) 
Max Allowable Operating Pressure 
Cathodic Code 
Pipeline ROW Seg Status Code 
Segment Length 
Out of Service Date 
Temporary Cessation of Operations Date 
Flush and Fill Date 
Abandonment Approval Date 
Abandonment Date 
No data to display
ROW Descriptions Online Query
ROW Number Ascending
MMS Company Number 
Company Name 
ROW Status Code 
ROW Status Date 
WCD Volume 
ROW Description 
No data to display
Scanned Pipeline Maps Query
Segment Number 
Orig Area Code 
Orig Block Number 
Orig Lease Number 
Dest Area Code 
Dest Block Number 
Dest Lease Number 
Ppl Size Code 
Doc Date 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display
Scanned ROW Query
ROW Number 
Segment Number 
Doc Date 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display

Query Options
Submit Query
Clear Query

Data Grids
Exploration and Development Plans Online Query
Plan Control Code 
Plan Control Number 
Bottom Lease Number 
Bottom Area 
Bottom Block 
Surface Lease Number 
Surface Area 
Surface Block 
Operator Name 
Operator Number 
Plan Type Code 
Received Date Descending
Plan Final Action Code 
Plan Final Action Date 
NEPA Determination Type 
Water Depth (feet) 
No data to display
Scanned Plans Query
Lease Number 
Area Block 
Control Number 
Date Received 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display

Query Options
Submit Query
Clear Query

Data Grids
Decommissioning Cost Estimates Online Query
Lease Number Descending
ROW Number Descending
RUE Number Descending
Lease Status 
Area Code 
Block Number 
Water Depth(Meters) 
Date Last Updated 
Boreholes Count (Spud Wells) 
Boreholes Count (Prop Wells) 
Platforms (Installed) Decom Count 
Platforms (Installed) Site Clear Count 
Platforms (Prop) Decom Count 
Platforms (Prop) Site Clear Count 
Pipelines (Installed) Count 
Pipelines (Prop) Count 
No data to display
Platform Structures Online Query
Area Code Ascending
Block Number 
Structure Name 
Structure Number 
Struc Type Code 
Authority Type 
Authority Number 
Authority Status 
Bus Asc Name 
Complex Id Num 
Maj Struc Flag 
Install Date 
Removal Date 
Site Clear Date 
District Code 
Heliport Flag 
Lease Number 
Water Depth (feet) 
Nad Year Cd 
Proj Code 
Ptfrm X Location 
Ptfrm Y Location 
Surf N S Dist 
Surf N S Code 
Surf E W Dist 
Surf E W Code 
Attended 8 Hr 
Manned 24 Hr 
No data to display

Query Options
Submit Query
Clear Query

Data Grids
Facility/Measurement Points(FMP) Online Query
Location Name 
Operator Number 
Operator Name 
FMP Number Ascending
FMP Name 
Eff Date Ascending
Output FMP 
Sales FMP 
No data to display
FMP/Meters/Tanks Online Query
FMP Location Ascending
FMP Number 
FMP MeasType Code 
Meter Make 
Meter Type Code 
Meter Size 
Gas Recorder 
Meter Serial Number 
Meter Status 
Operator Number 
Operator Name 
Facility Name 
Tank Serial Number 
Tank ID Number 
Tank Storage 
Tank Status 
No data to display
Production Data Online Query
Lease Number Ascending
Production Month Ascending
Production Year Ascending
Lease Oil Production (BBL) 
Lease Condensate Production (BBL) 
Lease Gas-Well-Gas Production (MCF) 
Lease Oil-Well-Gas Production (MCF) 
Lease Water Production (BBL) 
Producing Completions 
Lease Max Water Depth (meters) 
No data to display
Scanned SOP-SOO Query
Lease Number 
Doc Date 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display

Query Options
Submit Query
Clear Query

Data Grids
APD/AST/ABP Online Query
API Well Number 
Permit Type 
APD Received Date Ascending
APD Approved Date 
Company Number 
Company Name 
Bottom Area Code 
Bottom Block Number 
Bottom Lease Number 
Surface Area Code 
Surface Block Number 
Surface Lease Number 
Surface NS Dist 
Surface NS Code 
Surface EW Dist 
Surface EW Code 
Well Type 
Well Name 
Well Name Suffix 
Water Depth (feet) 
Rig ID Number 
Rig Name 
Surf X Coord Loc 
Surf Y Coord Loc 
Surface Latitude 
Surface Longitude 
No data to display
API List Online Query
API Well Number Ascending
Well Type Code 
Well Name 
Well Name Suffix 
Company Name 
Status Date 
Status Code 
Field Name 
Surface Lease Number 
Surface Area 
Surface Block 
Bottom Lease Number 
Bottom Area 
Bottom Block 
Spud Date 
Total Depth Date 
BH Total MD (feet) 
No data to display
API Number Changes Online Query
API Well Number Ascending
Previous API Number 
Well Name 
Well Name Suffix 
Bottom Lease Number 
Bottom Area 
Bottom Block 
Surface Lease Number 
Surface Area 
Surface Block 
Activity Type Code 
Activity Date 
Spud Date 
BH Total MD (feet) 
No data to display
Borehole Online Query
API Well Number Ascending
Well Name 
Well Name Suffix 
Bottom Lease Number 
Bottom Area 
Bottom Block 
Company Name 
Spud Date 
BH Total MD (feet) 
True Vertical Depth (feet) 
TVD Subsea (feet) 
Total Depth Date 
Status Date 
Type Code 
Status Code 
Casing Cut Code 
Water Depth (feet) 
Underwater Comp Stub 
Surface Lease Number 
Surface Latitude 
Surface Longitude 
Bottom Latitude 
Bottom Longitude 
No data to display
Bottomhole Pressure Survey Online Query
Field Name Ascending
Lease Number 
Completion Name 
API Well Number 
Reservoir Name 
Test Date 
Shut-In Time 
SI Pressure 
BH MD (feet) 
True Vertical Depth (feet) 
BH Pressure 
No data to display
eWell APD Online Query
API Well Number Ascending
Approved Date Ascending
Received Date 
Permit Type 
Water Depth (feet) 
Well Type 
Well Name 
Well Name Bp Suffix 
Well Name St Suffix 
Company Number 
Company Name 
Bottom Lease Number 
Bottom Area 
Bottom Block 
Surface Lease Number 
Surface Area 
Surface Block 
Rig ID Number 
Rig Name 
Surface NS Dist 
Surface NS Code 
Surface EW Dist 
Surface EW Code 
Surf X Coord Loc 
Surf Y Coord Loc 
Surface Latitude 
Surface Longitude 
No data to display
eWell APM Online Query
API Well Number Ascending
Operations Code 
Approved Date Ascending
Submitted Date 
Well Name 
Well Name Bp Suffix 
Well Name St Suffix 
Water Depth (feet) 
Company Number 
Company Name 
Bottom Lease Number 
Bottom Area 
Bottom Block 
Surface Lease Number 
Surface Area 
Surface Block 
No data to display
eWell EOR Online Query
API Well Number Ascending
Status Date Ascending
Well Name 
Well Name Bp Suffix 
Well Name St Suffix 
Company Number 
Company Name 
Bottom Lease Number 
Bottom Area 
Bottom Block 
Surface Lease Number 
Surface Area 
Surface Block 
No data to display
eWell WAR Online Query
Form 133 
API Well Number Ascending
Start Date Ascending
End Date 
Well Name 
Well Name Bp Suffix 
Well Name St Suffix 
Company Number 
Company Name 
Contact Name 
Rig Name 
Water Depth (feet) 
Rkb Elevation (feet) 
Bottom Lease Number 
Bottom Area Code 
Bottom Block Number 
Surface Lease Number 
Surface Area Code 
Surface Block Number 
No data to display
Scanned Directional Surveys Query
API Well Number 
Lease Number 
Well Name 
Area Code 
Block Number 
Receipt Date 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display
Scanned Well Files Query
API Well Number 
Well Name 
Lease Number 
Imported Date Descending
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display
Scanned Well Potential Tests Query
API Number 
Lease Number 
Area Code 
Block Number 
Well Name 
Field Name 
Test Date 
Received Date 
Imported Date 
File Size (bytes) 
No data to display