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| 00519 | 03041 | Hilcorp Energy GOM, LLC | RELINQUISHED | 10/17/2012 | | A 200-foot wide right-of-way to operate and maintain an 08-inch pipeline, 2.03 mile long, to transport gas from Platform A in Block 39 to a 24-inch sub-sea tie-in in Block 22, all in Vermilion Area. [Segment No. 12344] | |
| 00641 | 00178 | Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP | ACTIVE | 2/9/1956 | | Pipeline Right-of-way (ROW) OCS-00641 is a 200 foot wide and approximately 1.27 miles (6,652 feet) long corridor associated with below Pipeline Segments. The purpose of pipeline ROW OCS-00641 is to maintain and operate the following:
Pipeline Segment Number (PSN) 1847 is a 12-inch pipeline, 0.98 miles (5157¿) in length to transport gas from Platform E to a 14-inch Subsea Tie-in with PSN 5279, all located in Eugene Island Area Block 32.
Pipeline Segment Number (PSN) 5273 is an 8-inch pipeline, 0.14 miles (729¿) in length to transport gas from a 12-inch Subsea Tie-in to Platform GM, all located in Eugene Island Area Block 32.
Pipeline Segment Number (PSN) 5279 is a 14-inch pipeline, 0.15 miles (766¿) in length to transport gas from a 12-inch Subsea Tie-in to Platform PP, all located in Eugene Island Area Block 32.
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| 00642 | 00178 | Gulf South Pipeline Company, LP | ACTIVE | 6/14/1951 | | Pipeline Right-of-way (ROW) OCS-G00642 is a 200-foot wide and approximately 4.18 miles (22,077-feet) long corridor. The purpose of pipeline ROW OCS-G00642 is to maintain and operate the following:
Pipeline Segment No. (PSN) 1841
A 10-inch pipeline, 0.23 miles (1,201-feet) in length, to transport gas and oil from Platform D in Eugene Island Block 32 to accessory GM-Valve in Eugene Island Block 32.
Pipeline Segment No. (PSN) 1843
A 10-inch pipeline, 1.17 miles (6,200-feet) in length, to transport gas from Platform A in Eugene Island Block 33 to Platform PP in Eugene Island Block 32.
Pipeline Segment No. (PSN) 3548
A 20-inch pipeline, 2.49 miles (13,147-feet) in length, to transport gas from accessory GM-Valve in Eugene Island Block 32 to Federal/State boundary in Eugene Island Block 19.
Pipeline Segment No. (PSN) 5272
A 14-inch pipeline, 0.29 miles (1,529-feet) in length, to transport gas from Platform A in Eugene Island Block 32 to accessory GM-Valve in Eugene Island Block 32.
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| 00643 | 03203 | Kinetica Partners, LLC | ACTIVE | 4/24/1957 | | Pipeline Right-of-way (ROW) OCS-00643 is a 200-foot wide and approximately 41.07 miles (216,874 feet) long corridor. The purpose of the pipeline ROW OCS-00643 is to maintain and operate the Pipeline ROW accessory structure, CG-Valve (Complex ID No. 25000-1) located in East Cameron Area Block 49, PP-Valve (Complex ID No. 25025-1) located in West Cameron Area Block 192, and the following:
A 16-inch pipeline (PSN 1232), 13.26 miles (70,000 feet) in length, to transport gas originating at Platform A in Block 71, through Blocks 70, 59, 60, 61, 62 terminating at CG-Valve at location point: X = 1,502,416 and Y = 272,560 in Block 49, all located in East Cameron Area.
A 20-inch pipeline (PSN 1335), 10.47 miles (55,294 feet) in length, to transport gas originating at PP-Valve in West Cameron Area Block 192, through Blocks 82, 65, 66, 63, 62 in East Cameron Area terminating at CG-Valve at location point: X = 1,502,416 and Y = 272,560 in Block 49, East Cameron Area.
A 26-inch pipeline (PSN 3515), 17.34 miles (91,580 feet) in length, to transport gas originating at CG-Valve in Block 49, through Blocks 44, 31, 30, 27, 13, 10 terminating at a point on the Federal/State boundary line at X = 1,485,609 and Y = 362,687 in Block 3, all located in East Cameron Area
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| 00643A | 00014 | Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. | RELINQUISHED | 9/18/2002 | | A 200-foot wide right of way to operate and maintain an existing 6-5/8-inch pipeline, 23.42 miles in length, with associated umbilical, to transport bulk gas from Subsea Well No. A1 , through a Subsea Manifold SLED No. 2 in Green Canyon Area Block 116, through Green Canyon Area Blocks 72, 28, and 27, through Ewing Banks Area Blocks 997, 953, 952, and 908, through South Timbalier Area Blocks 318, 317, 314, and 301 to Platform A in South Timbalier Area Block 300. [Previous Segment No. 10299, 11061]
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| 00643B | 00014 | Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. | RELINQUISHED | 11/2/1995 | | | |
| 00643C | 03203 | Kinetica Partners, LLC | RELINQUISHED | 5/25/2016 | | A 200-foot wide and approximately 4.74 miles (25,000 feet) long corridor associated with the 12-inch Pipeline Segment No. (PSN) 1378. The purpose of pipeline ROW OCS- 00643C is to maintain and operate PSN 1378 and to transport gas/condensate from Platform A in Block 81, through Block 82, all in East Cameron Area, to Platform PP in Block 192, West Cameron Area. | |
| 00643D | 00014 | Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. | RELINQUISHED | 6/5/2013 | | | |
| 00644 | 01834 | Talos Petroleum LLC | RELINQUISHED | 8/10/2006 | | | |
| 00644A | 00011 | Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC | RELINQUISHED | 5/29/1987 | | | |
| 00645 | 00014 | Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. | RELINQUISHED | 7/22/1987 | | | |
| 00647 | 00011 | Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC | EXPIRED | 10/29/2020 | | Pipeline Right-of-way (ROW) OCS-00647 is a 200-foot wide and approximately 20.29 miles (107,154 feet) long corridor. The purpose of the pipeline ROW OCS-00647 is to maintain and operate the Pipeline ROW accessory structures, B-VALVE and JP-VALVE, (Complex ID Nos. 20922-3 and 25021-1) located in Vermillion Area Block 67 and 76 respectively and the following:
Pipeline Segment No. 1569
A 16-inch pipeline, 1.36 miles (7,200 feet) in length, to transport Gas originating at Platform A in Block 66, terminating at a Valve in Block 67, all in the Vermilion Area.
Pipeline Segment No. 1577
A 16-inch pipeline, 1.58 miles (8,333 feet) in length, to transport gas originating at an End Connection in Block 76, terminating at Platform B in Block 67, all located in the Vermilion Area.
Pipeline Segment No. 3531
A 16-inch pipeline, 17.35 miles (91,621 feet) in length, to transport gas originating at Platform B in Block 67, through Block 56, 46, 35, and 26, terminating at the Federal/State Boundary in Block 15, all located in the Vermilion Area.
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| 00647A | 00011 | Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC | RELINQUISHED | 8/17/1994 | | | |
| 00647C | 00011 | Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC | RELINQUISHED | 8/19/1994 | | | |
| 00648 | 03255 | High Point Gas Gathering, L.L.C. | ACTIVE | 11/17/1958 | | A 200-foot wide right-of-way to operate and maintain a bidirectional 12-inch pipeline, 9.11 miles in length, to transport gas from Platform F in Block 29, through Blocks 30, 21 to the Federag/State Boundary in Block 20, all located in West Delta Area. | |
| 00649 | 00014 | Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, L.L.C. | RELINQUISHED | 4/10/2014 | | | |
| 00651 | 00011 | Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC | EXPIRED | 7/15/1998 | | Pipeline Right-of-way (ROW) OCS-00651 is a 200-foot wide and approximately 11.07 miles (58,460 feet) long corridor associated with the 16-inch Pipeline Segment No. (PSN) 1573. The purpose of the pipeline ROW OCS-G00651 is to maintain and operate PSN 1573 and to transport gas originating at a 16-inch SSTI in Block 71, through Blocks 73, 74, and 75, terminating at Platform A in Block 76, all located in the Vermilion Area. | |
| 00651A | 00011 | Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC | RELINQUISHED | 8/17/1994 | | | |
| 00652 | 00011 | Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC | ACTIVE | 5/18/1959 | | Pipeline Right-of-way (ROW) OCS-00652 is a 200-foot wide and approximately 12.65 miles (66,800 feet) long corridor. The purpose of the pipeline ROW OCS-00652 is to maintain and operate the following: Pipeline Segment No. 1589
A 16-inch pipeline, 12.63 miles (66,700 feet) in length, to transport gas originating at Platform A in Block 110, through Blocks 111, 98, 75, 76, 61, 40, and 25, terminating at the Federal/State Boundary in Block 24, all located in the West Cameron Area; Pipeline Segment No. 1586: A 10-inch pipeline, .02 mile (100 feet) in length, to transport gas originating at Platform A and terminating at a 16-inch SSTI, all located in West Cameron Area Block 40.
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| 00652A | 02481 | BP Exploration & Production Inc. | RELINQUISHED | 11/30/2018 | | Pipeline Right-of-way (ROW) OCS-00652A is a 200-foot wide and approximately 2.08 miles (11,000 feet) long corridor associated with the 12-inch Pipeline Segment No. (PSN) 5042. The purpose of the pipeline ROW OCS-00652A is to maintain and operate PSN 5042 and to transport gas originating at Platform E and terminating at Platform A, all located in West Cameron Area Block 110. | |
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